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Version: v1


Registration is required for Receiver Wallet

link.transfer will only work if the receiver wallet was previously registered with Immutable X.

To register the wallet, simply do Connect Wallet in the Immutable Marketplace and follow through all the steps until the wallet is fully connected to Immutable Marketplace

Link reference tool

Check out our Link reference tool to understand how Link methods work without having to write any code.

As of 1.0.0, the @imtbl/imx-sdk supports transferring multiple tokens at once. To begin a new transfer flow, link should be called like so:

// eg: here is a sample link.transfer call:
const transferResponsePayload: TransferV2ResultsCodec = await link.transfer([
amount: '1.23',
symbol: 'GODS',
type: ERC20TokenType.ERC20,
tokenAddress: '0x4c04c39fb6d2b356ae8b06c47843576e32a1963e',
toAddress: 'replace-this-with-a-receiver-address',
amount: '0.23',
type: ETHTokenType.ETH,
toAddress: 'replace-this-with-a-receiver-address',

To make this change possible, the link.transfer SDK method has had the following interface & type changes:

// The below interfaces have not changed, they're just supplied here for context ...
const EthAddress = t.brand(
(s: any): s is t.Branded<string, EthAddressBrand> => isAddress(s),
export type EthAddress = t.TypeOf<typeof EthAddress>;
const FlatETHTokenCodec = t.interface({
type: ETHTokenTypeT,
const FlatETHTokenWithAmountCodec = t.intersection([
t.interface({ amount: PositiveNumberStringC }),
const FlatERC20TokenCodec = t.interface({
type: ERC20TokenTypeT,
tokenAddress: EthAddress,
symbol: t.string,
const FlatERC721TokenCodec = t.interface({
type: ERC721TokenTypeT,
tokenId: NonEmptyString,
tokenAddress: EthAddress,
export const FlatTokenWithAmountCodec = t.union([

// The old interface:
const TransferParamsCodec = t.intersection([
to: EthAddress,

// The new interfaces:
export const FlatTokenWithAmountAndToAddressCodec = t.intersection([
toAddress: EthAddress,

const TransferV2ParamsCodec = t.array(FlatTokenWithAmountAndToAddressCodec);

The promise response signature from the old link.transfer method is void

To better allow transparency and show which transfers failed and which transfers passed, the new link.transfer method resolves with a transaction status report:

// the old interface:

// The new interfaces:
const SuccessCodec = t.literal('success');
const ErrorCodec = t.literal('error');

const TransferV2TokenWithResult = t.intersection([
t.type({ status: SuccessCodec, txId: t.Int }),
t.type({ status: ErrorCodec, message: t.string }),

const TransferV2ResultsCodec = t.interface({
result: t.array(TransferV2TokenWithResult),

// eg: a sample results block:
result: [
type: 'ERC20',
amount: '1.5',
symbol: 'GODS',
status: 'success',
toAddress: '0x12345...',
txId: 1
}, {
type: 'ETH',
amount: '0.5',
status: 'success',
toAddress: '0x12345...',
txId: 12
}, {
type: 'ERC721',
tokenId: '654987',
tokenAddress: '0x123456...',
status: 'success',
toAddress: '0x12345...',
txId: 123
}, {
type: 'ERC721',
tokenId: '1234',
tokenAddress: '0x123456...',
status: 'error',
message: 'Cannot transfer to your own wallet',
toAddress: '0x12345...',


See error responses here.