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Version: v1

Get data

This guide provides information on how to get data about events on Immutable. Typically, this data is about current state (ie. asset ownership, open orders) or past transactions (ie. trades, asset transfers).

Examples of the types of data typically obtained include:

  • Assets, or details of a particular asset
  • Token balances for a particular user
  • Orders, or details of a particular order
  • Historical trades and asset transfers

Getting most forms of data is read-only, so user authentication or getting user signatures to update blockchain state are not required.


This is the only section that requires user signatures - specifically, project owner signatures. This is because only project owners can list projects they own, or get details of each one. Follow this guide to generate the signers required to obtain user signatures.

Get details of a project

📚SDK reference


Get details of a project with a given ID

const getProject = async (ethSigner: EthSigner, id: string) => {
const response = await client.getProject(ethSigner, id);
return response;
getProject(ethSigner, '145')
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

id: 145, // The project ID
name: 'Test writer guild', // The project name
company_name: 'Test Immutable company', // The company name
contact_email: '', // The project contact email
mint_remaining: 0, // The number of mint operation remaining in the current period
mint_limit_expires_at: '2022-10-01T17:41:44.650487Z', // The current period expiry date for mint operation limit
mint_monthly_limit: 0, // The total monthly mint operation limit
collection_remaining: 0, // The number of collection remaining in the current period
collection_limit_expires_at: '2022-10-01T17:41:44.650487Z', // The current period expiry date for collection
collection_monthly_limit: 0 // The total monthly collection limit


Get list of collections

📚SDK reference


The list of collections returned can be filtered by passing in parameters to this function. For example, get a list of collections with "NFT" in the collection name or description:

const getListCollections = async (keyword: string) => {
const response = await client.listCollections({

return response.result;

.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

result: [
address: '0x61e506cec264d5b2705f10e5a934dc5313a56a6e', // Contract address of the collection
name: 'The ARK NFTs',
description: 'Find all the NFTs Created on the ARK Marketplace',
icon_url: '',
collection_image_url: '',
project_id: 92,
project_owner_address: '0x59bb6d1b896a9a139380bf2b8d828819f0cf1409',
metadata_api_url: '',
created_at: '2022-09-28T12:01:20.479636Z',
updated_at: '2022-09-28T13:35:07.59868Z'
// Other collections returned
// Remaining results
remaining: 1

Get details of a collection

📚SDK reference


Get details of a collection at a given contract address:

const getCollection = async (address: string) => {
const response = await client.getCollection({

return response;

.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

address: '0x61e506cec264d5b2705f10e5a934dc5313a56a6e', // Contract address of the collection
name: 'The ARK NFTs',
description: 'Find all the NFTs Created on the ARK Marketplace',
icon_url: '',
collection_image_url: '',
project_id: 92,
project_owner_address: '0x59bb6d1b896a9a139380bf2b8d828819f0cf1409',
metadata_api_url: '',
created_at: '2022-09-28T12:01:20.479636Z',
updated_at: '2022-09-28T13:35:07.59868Z'


When details of assets are returned, there is a status property that indicates its current location (L1 or L2) or state (depositing, withdrawable, etc.). Assets can have one of the following statuses:

imxThe asset is in the Immutable X L2 environment.
ethThe asset is on the main Ethereum blockchain.
pendingWithdrawalA withdrawal has been requested for this asset, and it will be included in an upcoming batch.
withdrawableThe asset has been included in a published batch, and can now be withdrawn from the Immutable X smart contract.
burnedThe asset has been permanently removed from circulation.

Get list of assets

📚SDK reference


Get a list of assets at a particular collection address ordered by name:

const getListAssets = async (
collectionAddress: string,
orderBy: 'updated_at' | 'name'
) => {
const response = await client.listAssets({
collection: collectionAddress,
orderBy: orderBy,
return response.result;
getListAssets('0x23db0e72bd7738da0d0afe7bccb4109f5f05edcf', 'name')
.then((result) => {
//print the result
.catch((e) => {

Example response

result: [
token_address: '0x23db0e72bd7738da0d0afe7bccb4109f5f05edcf', // Address of the ERC721 contract
token_id: '1', // ERC721 Token ID of this asset
user: '0xd5aefc1fed909da9a5409594d758e3bdd055634c', // Ethereum address of the user who owns this asset
status: 'imx', // Status of this asset (where it is in the system)
uri: null, // URI to access this asset externally to Immutable X
name: '1st NFT', // Name of this asset
description: 'This is your 1st nft', // Description of this asset
image_url: '', // URL of the image which should be used for this asset
metadata: { // Metadata of this asset
name: 'Juju Mints',
icon_url: ''
collection: { // Details of the collection
name: '1st NFT',
class: 'EnumValue1',
attack: 123,
image_url: '',
collectable: true,
description: 'This is your 1st nft'
created_at: '2022-09-23T14:32:59.876942Z' // Timestamp of when the asset was created
updated_at: '2022-09-23T14:34:01.793638Z', // Timestamp of when the asset was updated
// Other assets returned
// Remaining results
remaining: 1,

Get details of an asset

📚SDK reference


Get details of an asset from a particular collection with ID of 1:

const getAsset = async (
tokenAddress: string,
tokenId: string,
includeFees: boolean
) => {
const response = await client.getAsset({
return response;
getAsset('0x23db0e72bd7738da0d0afe7bccb4109f5f05edcf', '1', true)
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

token_address: '0x23db0e72bd7738da0d0afe7bccb4109f5f05edcf', // Address of the ERC721 contract
token_id: '1', // ERC721 Token ID of this asset
user: '0xd5aefc1fed909da9a5409594d758e3bdd055634c', // Ethereum address of the user who owns this asset
status: 'imx', // Status of this asset (where it is in the system)
uri: null, // URI to access this asset externally to Immutable X
name: '1st NFT', // Name of this asset
description: 'This is your 1st nft', // Description of this asset
image_url: '', // URL of the image which should be used for this asset
metadata: { // Metadata of this asset
name: 'Juju Mints',
icon_url: ''
collection: { // Details of the collection
name: '1st NFT',
class: 'EnumValue1',
attack: 123,
image_url: '',
collectable: true,
description: 'This is your 1st nft'
created_at: '2022-09-23T14:32:59.876942Z' // Timestamp of when the asset was created
updated_at: '2022-09-23T14:34:01.793638Z', // Timestamp of when the asset was updated
fees: [ // Royalties to pay on this asset operations
type: 'protocol',
address: '0xc8714f989ce817e5d21349888077aa5db4a9bcf6',
percentage: 2


Get list of orders

📚SDK reference
V3 orders endpoints migration

Please refer to this guide when you plan your migration to the upgraded v3 endpoints, and to learn more about maker taker fees please see here.


Get a list of active orders from a particular collection that are listed in ETH and sorted by name:

const getListOrders = async (
status: 'active' | 'filled' | 'cancelled' | 'expired' | 'inactive',
| 'created_at'
| 'expired_at'
| 'sell_quantity'
| 'buy_quantity'
| 'buy_quantity_with_fees'
| 'updated_at',
sellTokenAddress: string,
buyTokenType: string
) => {
const response = await client.listOrders({
return response;
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

result: [
order_id: 1506, // ID of the order
status: 'active', // Status of the order
user: '0x192f36ee2bd12cf90571e464a3d28e76b8462c87', // Ethereum address of the user who submitted the order
sell: { // Details of the asset in sale
type: 'ERC721', // Type of this asset (ETH/ERC20/ERC721), it used to buy the asset
data: {
token_id: '271', // ERC721 Token ID
token_address: '0x61e506cec264d5b2705f10e5a934dc5313a56a6e', // Address of ERC721/ERC20 contract
quantity: '1', // Quantity of this asset - inclusive of fees for buy order in v1 API and exclusive of fees in v3 API
quantity_with_fees: '', // Quantity of this asset with the sum of all fees applied to the asset
properties: { // Properties of the asset in sale
name: 'CityEscape #1',
image_url: '',
collection: [Object]
buy: { // Details of the asset used to buy
type: 'ETH', // Type of this asset (ETH/ERC20/ERC721), it used to buy the asset
data: {
token_address: '', // Address of ERC721/ERC20 contract. If the type is ETH, no address is required
decimals: 18, // Number of decimals supported by this asset
quantity: '530000000000000000', // Quantity of this asset - inclusive of fees for buy order in v1 API and exclusive of fees in v3 API
quantity_with_fees: '530000000000000000' // Quantity of this asset with the sum of all fees applied to the asset
amount_sold: null, // Amount of the asset already sold by this order
expiration_timestamp: '2121-09-28T13:00:00Z', // Expiration timestamp of this order
timestamp: '2022-09-28T13:26:26.327782Z', // Timestamp this order was created
updated_timestamp: '2022-09-28T13:26:26.327782Z' // Updated timestamp of this order
// Other orders returned
cursor: 'eyJvcmRlcl9pZCI6MTU0Niwic2VsbF9xdWFudGl0eSI6IjEiLCJidXlfcXVhbnRpdHkiOiI4MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCIsImJ1eV9xdWFudGl0eV9pbmNsdXNpdmVfZmVlcyI6IjgzMjAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwIiwiZXhwaXJlZF9hdCI6IjIxMjEtMDktMjlUMDA6MDA6MDBaIiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMjItMDktMjlUMDA6NDc6MTMuODA2NjU2WiIsInVwZGF0ZWRfYXQiOiIyMDIyLTA5LTI5VDAwOjQ3OjEzLjgwNjY1NloiLCJ0c19zb3J0X3JhbmsiOm51bGx9',
// Remaining results
remaining: 0

Get details of an order

📚SDK reference


Get details of an order with ID 1506, including fees:

const getOrder = async (id: string, includeFees: boolean) => {
const response = await client.getOrder({
return response;
getOrder('1506', true)
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

order_id: 1506, // ID of the order
status: 'active', // Status of the order
user: '0x192f36ee2bd12cf90571e464a3d28e76b8462c87', // Ethereum address of the user who submitted the order
sell: { // Details of the asset in sale
type: 'ERC721', // Type of this asset (ETH/ERC20/ERC721), it used to buy the asset
data: {
token_id: '271', // ERC721 Token ID
token_address: '0x61e506cec264d5b2705f10e5a934dc5313a56a6e', // Address of ERC721/ERC20 contract
quantity: '1', // Quantity of this asset - inclusive of fees for buy order in v1 API and exclusive of fees in v3 API
quantity_with_fees: '', // Quantity of this asset with the sum of all fees applied to the asset
properties: { // Properties of the asset in sale
name: 'CityEscape #1',
image_url: '',
collection: [Object]
buy: { // Details of the asset used to buy
type: 'ETH', // Type of this asset (ETH/ERC20/ERC721), it used to buy the asset
data: {
token_address: '', // Address of ERC721/ERC20 contract. If the type is ETH, no address is required
decimals: 18, // Number of decimals supported by this asset
quantity: '530000000000000000', // Quantity of this asset - inclusive of fees for buy order in v1 API and exclusive of fees in v3 API
quantity_with_fees: '530000000000000000' // Quantity of this asset with the sum of all fees applied to the asset
amount_sold: null, // Amount of the asset already sold by this order
expiration_timestamp: '2121-09-28T13:00:00Z', // Expiration timestamp of this order
timestamp: '2022-09-28T13:26:26.327782Z', // Timestamp this order was created
updated_timestamp: '2022-09-28T13:26:26.327782Z' // Updated timestamp of this order
fees: [ // Fees info
type: 'protocol',
address: '0xa6c368164eb270c31592c1830ed25c2bf5d34bae',
token: [Object],
amount: '10000000000000000'
type: 'royalty',
address: '0x192f36ee2bd12cf90571e464a3d28e76b8462c87',
token: [Object],
amount: '10000000000000000'
type: 'royalty',
address: '0x59bb6d1b896a9a139380bf2b8d828819f0cf1409',
token: [Object],
amount: '10000000000000000'


Get list of transfers

📚SDK reference


Get the list of the last 5 transfers made on Immutable X:

const getListTransfers = async (
| 'transaction_id'
| 'updated_at'
| 'created_at'
| 'sender_ether_key'
| 'receiver_ether_key',
pageSize: number
) => {
const response = await client.listTransfers({
return response;
getListTransfers('updated_at', 5)
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

result: [
transaction_id: 56779, // Sequential transaction ID
status: 'success', // Status of the transaction
user: '0xd1a147a26a6f2b414694d2a7161515bdbd97ddbe', // Ethereum address of the user who submitted this transfer
receiver: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', // Ethereum address of the user who received this transfer
token: { // Token info
type: 'ERC721', // Type of this asset (ETH/ERC20/ERC721), it used to buy the asset
data: {
token_id: '482', // Token ID
token_address: '0x2d5ac360eaf14d11b442383e06159a3c8afea8ea', // Address of ERC721/ERC20 contract. If the type is ETH, no address is required
decimals: 0, // Number of decimals supported by this asset
quantity: '1', // Quantity of this asset - inclusive of fees for buy order in v1 API and exclusive of fees in v3 API
quantity_with_fees: '' // Quantity of this asset with the sum of all fees applied to the asset
// Timestamp of the transfer
timestamp: '2022-09-30T12:36:47.115017Z'
// Other transfers returned
// Remaining results
remaining: 1

Get details of a transfer

📚SDK reference


Get details of a transfer with ID 56779:

const getTransfer = async (id: string) => {
const response = await client.getTransfer({
return response;
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

transaction_id: 56779, // Sequential transaction ID
status: 'success', // Status of the transaction
user: '0xd1a147a26a6f2b414694d2a7161515bdbd97ddbe', // Ethereum address of the user who submitted this transfer
receiver: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', // Ethereum address of the user who received this transfer
token: { // Token info
type: 'ERC721', // Type of this asset (ETH/ERC20/ERC721), it used to buy the asset
data: {
token_id: '482', // Token ID
token_address: '0x2d5ac360eaf14d11b442383e06159a3c8afea8ea', // Address of ERC721/ERC20 contract. If the type is ETH, no address is required
decimals: 0, // Number of decimals supported by this asset
quantity: '1', // Quantity of this asset - inclusive of fees for buy order in v1 API and exclusive of fees in v3 API
quantity_with_fees: '' // Quantity of this asset with the sum of all fees applied to the asset
// Timestamp of the transfer
timestamp: '2022-09-30T12:36:47.115017Z'


Get list of tokens

📚SDK reference


Get a list of tokens ordered by contract_address:

const getListTokens = async (
orderBy: 'contract_address' | 'name' | 'symbol'
) => {
const response = await client.listTokens({
return response;
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

result: [
name: 'Gods Unchained', // Full name of the token (e.g. Ether)
image_url: '', // Url for the icon of the token
token_address: '0x5c9f1680bb6a4b4fc698e0cf702e0cc34aed91b7', // Address of the ERC721 contract
symbol: 'GODS', // Ticker symbol for token (e.g. ETH/USDC/IMX)
decimals: '18', // Number of decimals for token
quantum: '100000000' // Quantum for token
// Other tokens returned
cursor: 'eyJuYW1lIjoiRXRoZXJldW0iLCJzeW1ib2wiOiJFVEgifQ'

Get details of a token

📚SDK reference


Get details of the token with address 0x1facdd0165489f373255a90304650e15481b2c85:

const getToken = async (address: string) => {
const response = await client.getToken({
return response;
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

name: 'Immutable X Token', // Full name of the token (e.g. Ether)
image_url: '', // Url for the icon of the token
token_address: '0x1facdd0165489f373255a90304650e15481b2c85', // Address of the ERC721 contract
symbol: 'IMX', // Ticker symbol for token (e.g. ETH/USDC/IMX)
decimals: '18', // Number of decimals for token
quantum: '100000000' // Quantum for token


Get list of trades

📚SDK reference


Get the last 5 trades made with ETH on Immutable X:

const getListTrades = async (partyATokenType: string, pageSize: number) => {
const response = await client.listTrades({
return response;
getListTrades('ETH', 5)
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

result: [
transaction_id: 56408, // Sequential ID of this trade within Immutable X
status: 'success', // Status of this trade
a: { // Buy object
order_id: 1581, // The ID of the order involved in the trade
token_type: 'ETH', // The type of the token that this trade sold
sold: '10000000000000000' // The amount of that order\'s asset this trade sold in wei
b: { // Sell object
order_id: 1579, // The ID of the order involved in the trade
token_type: 'ERC721', // The type of the token that this trade sold
token_id: '1507', // The ID of the token that this trade sold
token_address: '0x72ec08386b4bbf0c344238b1bb892b2b279f1dcf', // The contract address of the token that this trade sold
sold: '1' // The amount of that order\'s asset this trade sold
timestamp: '2022-09-29T10:33:26.39022Z' // Time this trade occurred
// Other trades returned
cursor: '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',
// Remaining results
remaining: 1

Get details of a trade

📚SDK reference


Get details of the trade with ID 56408:

const getTrade = async (id: string) => {
const response = await client.getTrade({
return response;
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

transaction_id: 56408, // Sequential ID of this trade within Immutable X
status: 'success', // Status of this trade
a: { // Buy object
order_id: 1581, // The ID of the order involved in the trade
token_type: 'ETH', // The type of the token that this trade sold
sold: '10000000000000000' // The amount of that order\'s asset this trade sold in wei
b: { // Sell object
order_id: 1579, // The ID of the order involved in the trade
token_type: 'ERC721', // The type of the token that this trade sold
token_id: '1507', // The ID of the token that this trade sold
token_address: '0x72ec08386b4bbf0c344238b1bb892b2b279f1dcf', // The contract address of the token that this trade sold
sold: '1' // The amount of that order\'s asset this trade sold
timestamp: '2022-09-29T10:33:26.39022Z' // Time this trade occurred


Get Stark keys for registered user

📚SDK reference


Get Stark keys for user with the address 0x5D680Fbb3e60deCAbF62DfcACc56DB7d5964736a:

const getUserStarkKeys = async (ethAddress: string) => {
const response = await client.getUser(ethAddress);
return response;
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

// List of Stark keys
accounts: [

Get user balances

📚SDK reference


Get list of tokens owned by the user with address 0x5D680Fbb3e60deCAbF62DfcACc56DB7d5964736a:

const getListBalances = async (owner: string) => {
const response = await client.listBalances({
return response;
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

result: [
token_address: '', // Address of the contract that represents this ERC20 token or empty for ETH
symbol: 'ETH', // Symbol of the token
balance: '100000000000000000', // Amount which is currently inside the exchange
preparing_withdrawal: '0', // Amount which is currently preparing withdrawal from the exchange
withdrawable: '0' // Amount which is currently withdrawable from the exchange
cursor: 'eyJfIjoiIiwic3ltYm9sIjoiRVRIIiwiY29udHJhY3RfYWRkcmVzcyI6IiIsImlteCI6IjEwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCIsInByZXBhcmluZ193aXRoZHJhd2FsIjoiMCIsIndpdGhkcmF3YWJsZSI6IjAifQ'

Get specific balance for user

📚SDK reference


Get the balance of the token 0x1facdd0165489f373255a90304650e15481b2c85 owned by the user with address 0x5D680Fbb3e60deCAbF62DfcACc56DB7d5964736a:

const getBalanceToken = async (owner: string, address: string) => {
const response = await client.getBalance({
return response;
.then((result) => {
.catch((e) => {

Example response

token_address: '0x1facdd0165489f373255a90304650e15481b2c85', // Address of the contract that represents this ERC20 token or empty for ETH
symbol: 'IMX', // Symbol of the token
balance: '100000000000000000', // Amount which is currently inside the exchange
preparing_withdrawal: '0', // Amount which is currently preparing withdrawal from the exchange
withdrawable: '0' // Amount which is currently withdrawable from the exchange