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Version: v1


Install the Passport package

💡Supported Platforms and Versions
Refer to this page for the supported platforms and Unity versions.

The UniTask package (v2.3.3) is a dependency of our SDK. Follow the instructions here to install it.

If you encounter any conflicts, refer to Unity’s guide on resolving package conflicts here.

Install from a Git URL

Via UPM window

  1. Since .dll files are stored on Git Large File Storage, you must download and install git-lfs from here
  2. Open the Package Manager
  3. Click the add + button and select "Add package from git URL..."
  4. Enter and click 'Add'

Via manifest.json

  1. Since .dll files are stored on Git Large File Storage, you must download and install git-lfs from here
  2. Open your project's Packages/manifest.json file
  3. Add "com.immutable.passport": "" in the dependencies block

Install a specific version

To install a specific version of the SDK from a git URL, append '#' followed by the version tag. For example, will add the Unity SDK version 1.0.0.

Registering your game

Before using Passport, you must register your game as an OAuth 2.0 Native client in the Immutable Hub.

Authentication methods

There are two methods to authenticate and authorise players into Passport:

  1. Authorisation Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is available for Android, iOS, macOS and WebGL (not officially supported). This method provides a seamless and secure authentication experience by opening a pop-up window on macOS or an in-app browser on mobile devices. Players are automatically redirected back to the game once authenticated, eliminating manual switching.

  2. Device Code Authorisation is available for Windows, Android, iOS and macOS. This method opens the player's default browser and guides them through the authentication flow.

Whenever possible, use the PKCE flow as it is the most secure and seamless method for authentication on Android, iOS and macOS.

Configuration in Immutable Hub

How you configure your game in the Immutable Hub will depend on the authentication method you choose to log users into Passport.

Here's how you can configure the necessary fields when creating a client:

Application TypeYou must register your game as a Native client.
Application NameThe name you wish to use to identify your game.
Redirect URLsSet your game's deep link (e.g. mygame://callback).
Logout URLsSet your game's logout deep link (e.g. mygame://logout) (this must differ from Redirect URLs).
Web Origins URLsThe Unity SDK does not utilise this field. You can leave it blank.

Initialise Passport

Create a script with the following code and bind it to an object:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Immutable.Passport;

public class InitPassport : MonoBehaviour
private Passport passport;

async void Start()
// Replace with your actual Passport Client ID
string clientId = "YOUR_IMMUTABLE_CLIENT_ID";

// Set the environment to SANDBOX for testing or PRODUCTION for production
string environment = Immutable.Passport.Model.Environment.SANDBOX;

// Initialise Passport
passport = await Passport.Init(clientId, environment, logoutRedirectUri: "");

Once initialised, you can access the Passport instance from anywhere in your project via Passport.Instance.