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Version: v1

Minting API Status

Immutable's Blockchain Data APIs allow minter to check the status of their minting requests. This feature is used to map the content creator's internal Reference ID to the system generated Token ID.

Mint Requests - Minting APIMint Requests - Minting API

💡Minting API Enablement

Th Minting API is now available for all game studios and users with Hub accounts. See rate limits for more details.

The Minting API is available to all developers using Immutable's ERC721 and ERC1155 preset contracts.

Request parameters

chainNameString representing the name of the chain. A list of available chains can be found here.BodyYes
contractAddressThe contract address of ERC721 or ERC1155 contract you want to filter byBodyNo
referenceIdThe internal ID of the NFT created by the content creator when using the Minting API.BodyNo
secretKeyThe private x-immutable-api-key for your environment. Follow this guide to set yours upHeaderYes
chain_idString representing the ID of the chain. A list of available chain IDs can be found here.ResponseYes
Pagination parametersParameters such as page_size and page_cursor that allow you to control the size and order of the data retrievedResponseNo

Verify minting status of an Minting API request via the assets Reference ID.

This request allows you to get the status of a mint request performed via Immutable's minting API. If the mint request status is "succeded", it will also return values for token_id and activity_id of the newly minted asset.

If the mint request status is "failed", it will return error message. The mint request can be retried. If the mint request status is "pending", this means the mint hasn't submitter or confirmed on blockchain yet

get-mint-request.tsView on GitHub
import { blockchainData } from "@imtbl/sdk";
import { client } from "../lib";

export async function getMintRequest(
chainName: string,
contractAddress: string,
referenceId: string
): Promise<blockchainData.Types.ListMintRequestsResult> {
return await client.getMintRequest({ chainName, contractAddress, referenceId });

If the mint request is in a pending state, the following results will be returned

"page": {
"next_cursor": null,
"previous_cursor": null
"result": [
"chain": {
"id": "CHAIN_ID",
"name": "CHAIN_NAME"
"collection_address": "0xe2e94d611d50370612e9721254807b7874093fb6",
"created_at": "2024-02-12T05:35:35.743242Z",
"error": null,
"owner_address": "0x68209e7086032941a8Cb14352c2F43b086288791",
"reference_id": "111221",
"status": "pending",
"token_id": null,
"activity_id": "null",
"transaction_hash": null,
"updated_at": "2024-02-12T05:35:35.743242Z"

If request is successful the following results will be returned, allowing you to map the REFERENCE_ID -> TOKEN_ID

"page": {
"next_cursor": null,
"previous_cursor": null
"result": [
"chain": {
"id": "CHAIN_ID",
"name": "CHAIN_NAME"
"collection_address": "0xe2e94d611d50370612e9721254807b7874093fb6",
"created_at": "2024-02-12T05:35:35.743242Z",
"error": null,
"owner_address": "0x68209e7086032941a8Cb14352c2F43b086288791",
"reference_id": "111221",
"status": "succeeded",
"token_id": "340282366920938463463374607431768211745",
"activity_id": "4e28df8d-f65c-4c11-ba04-6a9dd47b179b",
"transaction_hash": "0x6890c450a43e6f3e90b311e2c0e80e1e6880cbc93ab977fc5357ac66cd255800",
"updated_at": "2024-02-12T05:35:35.743242Z"

Verify minting status of all Minting API requests from a collection

This request allows you to get the status of all mint requests performed via Immutable's Minting API on a single collection. The most recent mint request will be located at the top of the results

Successful mint requests will also return the token_id and activity_id of the newly minted asset.

list-mint-requests.tsView on GitHub
import { blockchainData } from "@imtbl/sdk";
import { client } from "../lib";

export async function listMintRequests(
chainName: string,
contractAddress: string,
): Promise<blockchainData.Types.ListMintRequestsResult> {
return await client.listMintRequests({ chainName, contractAddress });

The request will return the following request when it is successful, allowing you to map the REFERENCE_ID -> TOKEN_ID for successful requests.

The most recent mint requests will be located as the top of the results.

"page": {
"next_cursor": null,
"previous_cursor": null
"result": [
"chain": {
"id": "CHAIN_ID",
"name": "CHAIN_NAME"
"collection_address": "0xe2e94d611d50370612e9721254807b7874093fb6",
"created_at": "2024-02-09T06:09:31.874062Z",
"error": null,
"owner_address": "0x68209e7086032941a8Cb14352c2F43b086288791",
"reference_id": "26662299",
"status": "succeeded",
"token_id": "340282366920938463463374607431768211698",
"activity_id": "4e28df8d-f65c-4c11-ba04-6a9dd47b179b",
"transaction_hash": "0xbba3575ef4f9993a794bf174f47705eadaa2f689e25c57020478dfd25e1625c6",
"updated_at": "2024-02-09T06:09:31.874062Z"
"chain": {
"id": "CHAIN_ID",
"name": "CHAIN_NAME"
"collection_address": "0xe2e94d611d50370612e9721254807b7874093fb6",
"created_at": "2024-02-12T05:35:35.743242Z",
"error": null,
"owner_address": "0x68209e7086032941a8Cb14352c2F43b086288791",
"reference_id": "1112221",
"status": "pending",
"token_id": null,
"activity_id": "null",
"transaction_hash": null,
"updated_at": "2024-02-12T05:35:35.743242Z"