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Version: v2


The Checkout SDKs provide specialised utilities designed to accommodate advanced users requiring customisation capabilities that exceed the default widget-based Checkout experience.


Connect walletsIn this brief step-by-step guide we will use the Checkout SDK to create a Web3 provider for any of the supported wallets and ensure it is connected to the zkEVM network.
Switch networksIn this brief step-by-step guide we will use the Checkout SDK to ask a user to add the zkEVM network to the wallet and switch to this new network.
Wallet balancesIn this brief step-by-step guide we will use the Checkout SDK to fetch the tokens (ERC20) balances in a wallet. This list will contain tokens such as IMX, USDC, etc.
Gas amount estimationIn this brief guide we will use the Checkout SDK to fetch the estimated gas amount required for performing key Checkout operations on zkEVM and L1 (e.g. Ethereum).
Smart checkoutGuide to purchasing an item with the Checkout SDK using the Smart Checkout flow.

Error Handling

Operations performed via the Checkout SDK may be rejected with the error type ErrorType. Errors are thrown with well-defined types (ref: CheckoutErrorType) so that the root cause can be easily identified. The error payload will also contain additional metadata, such as a message and raw data available via the data response property (e.g. original error).

export class CheckoutError extends Error {
public message: string;
public type: CheckoutErrorType;
public data?: { [key: string]: string };