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ERC20 Bridging

This guide details the process for bridging your ERC20 token from non-Ethereum chains to Immutable zkEVM.

Bridging ERC20 Tokens from Non-Ethereum Chains

It is now possible to bridge ERC20 tokens from non-Ethereum chains directly to Immutable zkEVM, using Axelar's Gateway token bridge. This service is permissioned and follows a formal approval process.

To begin, please register your token by completing the form available here. Once, you've completed this form, make sure to notify your Immutable representative. The approval process by Axelar DAO typically takes about two weeks.


This approach to bridging is applicable to game tokens that:

  • Originate on one of the 60+ chains supported by Axelar, excluding Ethereum. Games tokens that originate on Ethereum can be bridged through the native bridge.

  • Is launched on the chain's mainnet and is actively traded with a public market price.

  • The token being registered is the original token, and not a bridged, wrapped or synthetic representation of the token

  • Is not already bridged into zkEVM by some other form (i.e. circuitously through the native bridge)


Once the bridging approval process is completed, an Immutable staff representative will contact you and give you a status update.

After your token is successfully bridged, linking your bridged ERC20 token in Immutable Hub will be coming soon.